"I'm just a girl trying to make a way
It gets so hard but I'll be okay
I don't really care what the people say
Cause this is me... 
-Fantasia "This is Me."
blog is a little different. I let you all ask me whatever you wanted.
I'm welcoming you into my world, interview style. I hope my followers
learn a little more about me, my life, my writing...and thank you so
much for such great questions...
•What inspires you to write?
people. I feel my story, my journey could help someone else. Life
inspires me. Kaidy inspires me. My joy and happiness inspires me. I just
love to write and I enjoy writing. So, I write to be free. To vent. To
heal. To live. And to love. You all inspire me.
•How do you come up with your ideas?
experiences. Conversations. Surroundings. Songs. My friends. Every new
poem almost always comes from something that I just went through or
going to do or a conversation that I've recently had. I tell you guys my
life. So, whatever is going on at the time, that's what I most times
write about.
•Will you ever write a fictional book?
honestly don't know. Maybe. Who knows. The possibilities are limitless.
Of course, I write best about my reality, I share my honest truths. My
poetry is based on my life and happenings, but you never know. My
imagination gets to turning sometimes, so I just might. If I did, I'm
sure it would be about love and romance. I love fairy tales.
•What do you enjoy most about being a mom?
Lol. She's my joy. I love the time we spend. I love when we talk about
everything and nothing. I love that she loves me flaws and all. To her
I'm the best mommy ever. I love that there's at least one person in my
corner. One person that believes in me. The best thing is that I get to
be her motivation and role model. I'll never forget graduation day. She
cheered me on and weeks after, she still congratulated me. My baby was
proud of her mommy and I'm proud to be her mommy. Some say she's lucky
to have me as a mommy. But, I'm the lucky one. She has an amazing
personality. She's absolutely perfect.
•Do you write everyday?
I wish I could, but I just don't have the time. I write when an idea
pops up in my head or if I'm in the mood. I try to blog weekly, but even
sometimes that's a challenge. I write best when I'm alone, at night, laying in bed, just listening to my thoughts; the words seem to just flow.
Yes, I've been hurt, mad, angry, lied to and cheated on. But, honest
and true heartbreak, once. You'll get to read what happened in my book
NOT So Lucky in Love (releases December 7th).
•What is the worse relationship you've been in?
do I have to pick just one?! Lol. All of them (hence, I'm still not
married) lol. But, I won't blame just them, I'm not always the best
partner to deal with. Every relationship has its own problems,
challenges and deal breakers. So, I don't know. They weren't all bad,
but they weren't all good.
•Do you believe in your heart that you will marry?
not like I use to. Of course, I believe in love and I'm still hopeful,
but I won't hold my breath. I'm okay with being single and I'm happy
with me. Self love is the best. Would I like to be married, sure. But,
if it never happens, I'm okay. I pray daily for comfort, peace,
contentment and genuine happiness with just Kaidy and I. I don't want a
man around just to say I have one. So, I don't know. I guess that's up
to God. But, I'm truly okay either way.
•How did you become such a great mom?
question was hard for me. I answered it last. Every mom thinks they're a
great mom. But, why? Because you care for them or buy them things or
spend time? What's great about that?! That's our job right, our
responsibility, so why does it makes us great?
thinking of answers, of course I thought about the basics like being
present. Spending time. Nurturing. Protecting. Instilling values.
Education. Etc., but those are the basics, what a mom is to do, right?
a few days ago, I didn't have the right answer. There will never be a right
answer. Every mom will be great for different reasons. But, I feel like
being a good mother is putting my pride to the side for her well-being.
It's not about being the perfect mother or always doing everything on
my own. It's okay to admit when I can't do it alone. A good mother puts
her child's needs first. A good mother doesn't like to tell her child no
or I can't do; so, a great mother does what she has to, to make sure all
of the kids' needs are supplied, even if it means admitting you need
help. #ittakesavillage
•What is the first thing you will do once you make your first500,000 dollars?
who knows! I never thought this far ahead. I just wanted to write. I
just wanted to share my story. It was never about the money.
I guess I would help a single mother, help my family, save, start a business, travel, Kaidy college fund.
🤷🏽♀️ I honestly don't know. But, I would definitely keep writing.
•What do you hope to accomplish by sharing your blog?
share my blog to inspire others to do something they love, to step out
on faith. I share my blog to help someone through a similar say Kiara got through it and I can too. I always wish to
accomplish being encouraging and inspiring. I share my blog to let
others know that they have a voice. My main focus is to always be open,
transparent and real; so, that people will believe in my words and people
will gain from my story. My blog is to give advice the best way I know
how and that's through my writing. If one person, only one, reads my
blog and takes something from it, they heal or face their truths, my
blog has served its purpose. My blog is to promote self love and
happiness. To show others how to let go and move on from things. In the
beginning my blogs were bitter, healing mechanisms, but you all have
watched me grow. And now my blogs are full of love and happiness . My
blog is to show you all that I am human. I've been there too, I get it. I
just want people to read my blog and feel free.
Plain Ole Ki...
I'm just plain ole me,
I don't think I'm better than anyone or I'm more than what you see.
I'm far from perfect and I have my flaws,
My life isn't glitter nor glamorous at all.
I'm just taking things one day at a time,
And lord knows I haven't accomplished all my dreams, but I'm trying.
Trust I get tired, being mommy, having a full time job, blogging, author, errands, chores and school is kicking my butt,
But, this is everything that I wanted and more, it's what I signed up for.
And even if I bend, I won't break,
Because I promise to do whatever it takes.
And when I publish these books, do book signings and press release,
I will never change, I will do it humbled and gracefully,
Because God knows I just want to be me, be happy and free,
I'm human just like you, I'm still just plain ole Ki.
"I'm thinking about my future lately
Whatever that may be
But now it's clear to me
I can just be Ki..."
-Ginuwine "Same Ol' G"
Thanks for tuning in today's Monday Meet with Ki! Until next time, I leave you with this quote....
learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what
you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
-Maya Angelou
ReplyDeleteThank you friend 🤗 I appreciate you taking time to read it
ReplyDeleteBest friend!!! Yasssss, you finally read a blog! Hahahaha 😂 Thank you for checking out today's blog and leaving a comment. You're the bomb. Muah 💋
DeleteThank you for sharing this. This post allows us to understand you a little more and highlight what we can expect from you in the future. Its on Dec 7th!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure! Thank you for contributing such wonderful questions...I had to think on a few lol
DeleteAnd I appreciate all the love ❤️ and support 🤗