Monday, October 30, 2017

But It Was A Smiley Face

So, normally I would tell all my KLOUD followers the good things about being Kaidy's mom. You all get to see the play dates, mommy-daughter outings, the smiles, the laughs, and the "extra" in me. However, my child is far from an angel and I am no where close to being a perfect parent. Today, I am going to let you all in on the bad times, the not so good moments, the hard parts about being Kaidy's mom.

"But It Was A Smiley Face," Kaidy.

School is a place to learn, grow and receive proper education,
Not a place for you to be having your own casual conversation,
While failing to be a part of class participation,
Just because you feel the need to ignore the given information,
Obviously forgetting who the adult is in the situation.

We do not pay our hard earned money for you attend school and do as you please,
I don't care how may times your teacher ask you to recite your abc's,
You better be like a canary and sing,
Pay attention and listen to everything, because she is the adult and you don't run anything,
So, never undermine the authority of your teacher for nobody.

I don't know who told you that you didn't have to follow instruction,
But, we do not play those games, you will not be a class disruption,
You are to be preparing and planning how to always be productive,
And when you do anything but, you and my belt will have a formal introduction,
Until you learn how to quietly sit in class without extra discussion.

Regardless if you are at home or at school, you are still a kid,
Your teacher is the adult, she tells you what to do and you are to listen,
The more I find out that you aren't following direction,
The more you, cartoons, kindle and toys can have a proper division,
Because, hard-headed kids do not get those special privileges,
So, you better learn your lesson.

"In the meant-time, no cartoons for you, you get to take a bath, do homework and go to bed early today,"
"But, mommy I didn't have a number 2, it was a smiley face."

Yep, Kaidy received her first bad report at school. I checked her behavior folder and she had a number 2 indicating that she needed to learn to follow instructions. I was so upset with her. I do not like a hard-headed, disrespectful kids. Teachers work hard and spend just as much time with our kids as we do. So, for 8-9 hours a day, Kaidy is to listen, respect and obey that teacher as she would myself, dad or any other adult. I spend to much money and time and put in too much effort for her to be at school misbehaving. Yea, she is only three, but breaking the bad habits starts now. Even at home lately, she has been testing my patience and trying my authority; but, she is slowly remembering that I am the adult and what I say goes. She will not be disrespectful and she will not think its okay to talk back or to not obey. I prefer she learns now before she gets older and she feels it's okay and she can do whatever she wants. Not my child and not in my house! 

No, I don't whoop her all the time, but I have used a belt and I am sure I will again. I try other alternatives because I  do not want to be a parent that constantly "beats" their child. To me, punishment (taking away things they enjoy) and time out works better and leaves a lasting impression. But, every parenting style is different; so, do what you have to do in the best interest of your child. It works for Kaidy though and her feelings be so hurt. lol. She was too upset today that she couldn't watch television or play Dora on her tablet. Oh well. I bet she learns next time to do with the teacher says.

Well, I am no perfect parent and everyday I am learning how to deal with the everyday dealings and mishaps of raising a child. I'm sure today is one of many other obstacles we will face and overcome. As we have conquered many before today. Parenting is hard and whomever said it was easy wasn't being realistic. We learn something new about our kids daily; so, daily we have to adjust and keep rocking with it. And at the end of the day, that is all we can do. To keep learning, keep growing, keep praying for guidance. I ask God daily to continue to mold and shape me into being the parent He wants me to be.

"Parenting is not a practice. It is a daily learning experience!"

Until Next Time,
K. Giles


  1. I absolutely love how you are so transparent and so real about your life! You have so much wisdom to be so young! As an educator we need more parental support. Parents don’t understand the importance of just checking your child’s folder everyday so see what is going on with your child. Continue what you are doing friend bc you are doing a great job!!

    1. Thank you so much friend. 🤗 Girl I try hard to instill the right things in her. Being a teacher is hard and stressful and these kids are bad and some parents just don't care. Smh
      But, I understand that it starts at home. At the end of the day Kaidy needs an education. She needs the expertise, Love and support of the teacher. Not the other way around. And the teacher is her elder. So she will respect her.

  2. Lol I understand that you had to discipline her but that sad face would have made me think twice. �� Too cute. No but I will admit teaching a child to respect their elders young is a wonderful thing. More children today need this. This may have been considered a bad time to you but this will help her in the long run. Lol You get to keep your mother of the year award as long as we don’t ask Kaidy right now. Great post!

    1. Lol girl no. That face and cried mean nothing to me. She will be alright. Yep, I'm teaching her early on so as she gets older she will grow out of developing bad habits.

      Thank you. I'll take that. Kaidy will be over it soon. Lmao

  3. Awh that face!��So cute���� Good job girly���� E.Rose

    1. Lol. Girl don't let that face fool you. She is something else at times. Smh
