8/24/17 KLOUD turns 1. Happy Birthday KLOUD! ๐
One year ago today I took a leap of faith. I decided to believe in myself and in my writing. Of course I was nervous and afraid. I questioned if my poetry was good enough. I wondered how others would respond and if they would really be inspired or encouraged just by reading my words and hearing my story. Well, here I am 365 days, over 6,900 views, 175 comments, numerous of likes, shares and comments (via social media) later and I humbly say THANK YOU! The love and support that I have received has been far more than I ever imagined and I am forever grateful. Hearing things like, "you are a an inspiration to many, this poem is awesome, or I am proud of you," motivates me to keep writing. So, from the bottom of my heart I really appreciate each of you that have continued to follow and provide feedback, you guys are bomb! I cannot thank God enough for giving me a vision, and words, and a means to tell my story and be an inspiration to someone else. Lord knows that i just wanted to write.
Psalm 37:4, "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."
Trust me when I say this...I take pride in KLOUD, she is my baby and I promise to keep moving forward, to become bigger and better. All I want to do is write and I plan to keep doing just that.
I am She.
And one day she decided to follow her dreams,
To let go of any doubt, fear and insecurity,
To use her pen and paper to set her mind free,
To use her words to make herself completely happy.
Not knowing how far she and her writing would go,
She just didn't want to not follow her passion anymore.
So she took a leap of faith,
Started a blog while letting her poetry lead the way.
And she didn't know how many lives she would touch or how many people she would inspire,
But, she vowed to keep speaking her truth and encouragement would follow.
Because see one somebody would or could relate,
Even if just one person would understand and get through their own situation.
That would be enough for her because that's what she set out to do,
To let her readers know she has been there before, she knows all of life struggles too,
Her life isn't perfect and she's made mistakes just like you.
As KLOUD turns one know that she is forever grateful for every reader, follow, share and comment,
You all are greatly appreciated for all the love, support and continuous involvement,
Thank you for sharing with me this moment.
And know that this is not the end, she's just getting started,
She still has so much to share with you as a business woman and future author.
Because she is too indebted in herself to not continue to follow her dreams,
And if no one else does, she believes in me,
Because she's is me and I am she.
In honor of KLOUD's birthday, I decided to add some fun facts to celebrate me today. I hope each of you enjoy and continue to join me every Wednesday for new blog posts.
Hugs and Kisses ๐
10 Fun facts...
Do you have hidden talents most people don't know about?
- Lol. Not at all. I swear I can sing and lord knows I can't. It's all in my head.
What one accomplish are you most proud of?
- I am proud of so many things (graduating college, being a mother, etc) but, I would have to say My KLOUD Blog. Reason being because it was the first step I took to following my dreams. I actually set myself up to one day becoming a great writer and published author by starting this blog.
What's on your bucket list?
- I don't necessarily have a bucket list, but it's a few things I'd like to do while I'm still living like; travel, camping, publishing a book, start a business, etc.
Can you play any instruments?
- Well, I use to play the clarinet (I was good too lol) but it's been so many years, I honestly don't know. But, I'm sure I could probably still play. Man I miss those days.
At which store would you like to max out your credit card?
- No brainer: TARGET! Lol. It's my favorite. One stop shop. Starbucks, groceries, crafting supplies, clothes/shoes for both Kaidy and I all in one place. #winning. We go to target so much, Kaidy ask me now when can we go! Smh #dontjudgeme
Have you ever had a song or poem written about you?
- I have a few times. I always seemed to have met and dated men who could sing. They stayed singing to me and making up songs. I've even been lucky enough to have my poetry rub off on a few of them and they expressed how they felt about me through poetry.
What, if anything, have you ever re-gifted?
- I stay re-gifting things. Sad, but true. Mostly gift cards or bath and body works. But...Especially if you have a kid, I shop right in Kaidy closet sometimes for gifts. Oh well, it's the thought that counts.
What was your favorite tv show when growing up?
- Now everybody that knows me, knows I love television. How could I pick just one?! But, growing up I loved Arthur. Sister sister, Moesha and a different world were favs too. But, I'm going to have to go with Greys Anatomy. 13 seasons later and I still don't miss an episode!
Choose a movie title for the story of your life.
- Pursuit of Happiness. I've definitely had some tough times. Life has been up and down. Good and bad. But, I refuse to let it break me. I vow to keep going. Although we may endure many hardships, just like Chris Gardener, I refuse to give in to despair. And I'll forever struggle and do my best to create a better life for myself and my Kaidy. Everyday I'm learning to take it all for what it is, one day at a time. To appreciate life as is it because I only get one. And to continue on this journey of knowing what it's like to genuinely be happy.
What inspires you?
- Love. Happiness. Knowing that I have the opportunity to love my life and to truly be happy. I'm inspired by simply being able to one day love what I do by doing what I love. The idea of being completely content and comfortable about who I am inspires me. Being able to follow my dreams. And of course the everyday love and joy from sharing moments with my Kaidy.
©2017. Kiara Giles. All Rights Reserved.